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How to load lists massively?

How to create you own lists by loading it massively

Aristotle avatar
Written by Aristotle
Updated over 11 months ago

There are two types of lists on DataScope:

  • Locations List: to be used to register your clients, companies, etc. This list generates the possibility to use it on the filters of the platform.

  • Custom List: to be used as a list of alternatives inside your form's questions. Ex: product list, employee list, etc.

For both cases you must enter the Settings>Lists tab.

If you have a list with a lot of data, you can import it into your DataScope account to access it in your digital forms. Here you will find instructions for importing these lists into your account

📌 Locations List:

Download Excel template where you can massively load the address data in the established format, and then save and re-import it in .XLSX format

  • Code: Each location in the list must have a unique code. *If the name is not unique, your list will not be uploaded successfully.

  • Name: Here you can add the name of the branch, this must be a unique name. This column appears in the search filters and in the application. *If the name is not unique, your list will not be uploaded successfully.

  • Description: Free space to complement location information, this information as well as the name, appears in the Mobile App.

  • Company Name: Here you can add the name of the company, a company can have several locations.

  • Company Number: Here you can add the company registration number or the client ID.

  • Address: Here you can add the address of the location.

  • City: Here you can add the City of the location

  • State: Here you can add the State of the location

  • Country: Here you can add the Country of the location

  • Latitude and Longitude: Here you can load the coordinates of the location, then it will detect if the form was completed in a radius from this point.

  • Email: Here you can pre-load the list of emails that you wish to notify once you complete a form. You can add one or multiple email addresses separated by a comma and a space. Example:,,

The ideal case is for list of clients, premises, branches or locations.

➡️ Which data of the Locations List is reflected on the PDF or Excel file once the data is exported?

  • On the PDF: Company Legal Name, Company Legal Code, Location Description, Location Address and Email.

  • On the Excel: Location Name and Code (once grouped by Form)

The fulfillment of the data will happen automatically once the client is chosen on the list that will appear once the user is answering your form on that specific question. 

*If you need to see all the fields on a list, you will need to export "Grouped by Answer" (Excel).

📌 Custom Lists:

First you should download Excel template where you can massively load the data in the established format, then save it and import it again in .XLSX format

  • Name: This element can be a product, city, a question, country ... etc. Each element must be unique, it cannot have two elements with the same name. This column appears in the application and in the export of the data.

  • Description: Here you can add a second item that helps identify the item in the list. This column appears in the application but does not appear in the final form display or in the export.

  • Code: Each item in the list must have a unique code (1, 2, 3, 4 ...)

  • Att 1: It is the attribute 1 that can be the price of the product, a weight of that element or some additional data that you want to assign to the element.

  • Att 2: It is the attribute 2 that you can assign to the same element.

Once you create your own form, you can index these lists to your questions:


1. Save your Excel file on a .xlxs format.

2. The name* of your new list will be the name of your Excel Sheet, not the imported file’s name.

*Your Locations List is named "List of Locations".

3. On your list, the Name and Code fields must contain unique values. If these fields are repeated, your list will load only one element each.

4. When using copy + paste, be careful with hidden cells, formatting etc. It is recommended to review the data after copying and pasting and before importing your list into the platform.


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