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How to create related lists

Steps to create related lists in the construction of your forms

Aristotle avatar
Written by Aristotle
Updated over 11 months ago

Related lists group several options into one or more categories, which facilitates the selection according to the chosen group. A common example is the selection of country, state and city:

United States> New York> New York or

United States> California> Los Angeles.

To configure it in your form, you can use the question types: Single Choice or Single Option Data.

📌 Let's see how to configure it for the Single Choice question type:

  1. Choose the option: Single Choice, followed by Advanced Options, at the end of the question, you will find the alternative Related List.

2. By default, the platform places the following header: Country | City | Street with the separator | , but it can be replaced by the options you require:

Note: the separator must match the one placed in the header, for example: < Country - City - Street - Avenue> < Separator - > , otherwise an alert message will be displayed.

3. To save the question, click on the "Save" button.

❗Important: when using the related lists from this question the data will have to be manually placed inside the constructor.

📌 Let's see how to configure it for the Single Option Data Question type:

When dealing with very long lists, we recommend you to use the related lists from the Single Option Data question, in which you can create a Custom List with the options that can be selected.

Below you will find the details:

  1. Create a Custom List with all possible answer options in the "Name" field. Example:

United States - New York - New York

United States - California - Los Angeles

United States - Texas - Houston



  • to maintain the exact format of the Platform Excel Example

  • that the Name and Code fields must contain unique values

  • that the list name will be the name of your sheet (not the file's name).

  • The separator used (-) must be the same as the one set in the question.

Check the following link for instructions on how to import

lists massively on the platform:

2. Import your list into your DataScope account (Settings> Lists).

3. On your form, you must use a "Single Option Data" type of question and link it to the list created, in the option "Data List Source":

Continue creating your form and click on Save when you're ready.

📌 In the app, the related list is presented like this:


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