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How to make calculations on the forms?

Guide to do automatic calculations using the platform lists

Aristotle avatar
Written by Aristotle
Updated over a week ago

With DataScope you can make calculations using predefined platform lists. For example, if you have a list of products, you can indicate the price of each of them and while filling out the form with the quantity of products, automatically the calculation of the total value is made in the application.

The following image exemplifies how that functionality will be visualized.

1. How to configure my list so that the calculations are made?

On the web platform, go to Settings> Lists> Custom Lists and select the list of products already loaded to the platform. To load a list, you can follow the steps of the article in this link.

Choose your list and click on the pencil on the right side to update it.Add the prices in the list by clicking on the pencil on the right to update each product. Use the "Custom Attribute 1" (on the Excel file: Att1) field to indicate the price of the products. Then click on Save.

*The platform accepts only integer values in this module.

Added the information to your list, add a question type Number Data to your form in the Mobile Form Builder section. Inside the question, click on Data List Source and then select the list configured before.

Now, it is necessary to configure, inside your question on the Mobile Form Builder, which operation you want the application to do. To do so, simply click on Advanced Configuration and choose from the available options to Show Price, Show Multiplication or other:

Click on Save Form. All set! Your form is now ready to do calculations automatically.

2. How to show the calculations on the exported PDF?

To reflect the calculations done using the app into the exported PDF, it will be necessary to adjust the type of list that you are using in our Web Platform.

Simply follow the steps as indicated below:

Web Platform > Settings > Lists >  Custom Lists > click on the list you want to edit (pencil icon) > Edit List > Advanced Config > List Type (adjust to Percent or Price, accordingly to your need) > Save 

All set. Now your calculations will be automatically reflected in your exported Standard PDFs. 

3. How to show other calculations on the exported PDF?

With our Custom PDF you can automatically use your data for other types of calculation such as average and other indexes. This feature is available on our Standard, Premium and Enterprise plans. Click here to know more about this feature.


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