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Can't find an answer on Resume. What can I do?

Steps to follow if you cannot find an answer on the Resume tab (Web Platform).

Aristotle avatar
Written by Aristotle
Updated over a year ago

To search for an answer from your DataScope form, simply follow these steps:

On our Web Platform, form's answers are displayed in the Resume section. If you can't find a specific answer, review the following points:

1. Try to use a longer date range in the filters

Remember: in DataScope we store forms according to the date and time that they were synchronized.

If you don't find an answer on a specific date, start by modifying the date filter, making it a little broader, and then applying other filters until you reach the desired value.

2. Was the answer synchronized correctly?

If you are unable to see the complete response data on the Resume tab, check if the answer has been synchronized yet.

If it has been synchronized, in the Resume tab you will see a "check" symbol (✔️) and all collected data will be complete. If it’s still syncing, you’ll see a symbol with two circular arrows and some data may be missing until the sync is complete.

If it was not synchronized correctly, check the instructions below to synchronize the response manually, in the application of the user who sent it:

After the answer is synchronized you will see the "check" symbol (✔️) and will be able to view all the data collected on the form.

If, even after reviewing the above points, you still cannot find an answer or have any questions or difficulties, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team through the platform's Chat.


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