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Introduction to Zapier

What it is and how to integrate and use it

Aristotle avatar
Written by Aristotle
Updated over 11 months ago

📌 What is Zapier?

Zapier is a web service that allows you to automate actions between countless web applications that you use every day (e.g., receive email, SMS or connect with Google Spreadsheets).

Zapier allows you to easily connect the web applications you use, making it very easy to automate tasks. With Zapier you can do it yourself and concentrate on the work that really matters for your business.

📌 Most popular usage of Zapier

Some of the things you can do with Zapier and DataScope are:

  • Receive the answers in a Google Spreadsheet with your own format

  • Create events in Google Calendar given some value in the response of a form

  • Receive notification by mail or SMS when certain parameters are met in the responses of a form

  • Create help tickets in Zendesk

  • Manage inventory in real time

We have selected a Webinar that will assist you to start using Zapier, check it out:

📌 How do I integrate DataScope and Zapier?

1) Inside your DataScope account (Integrations):

On the Web Platform of DataScope, access the Integrations tab > Workflows.

You will see several templates of automatic flows using Zapier and other softwares. Click on the one you wish to use:

At the bottom of the page, you will be able to see the button "View all integrations", to see more options.

On the following page, you will have more integration options divided by their most common usage (CRM, Marketing Automatation, Task Management, and more).

Once you select the task and the software you would like to connect, simply follow the steps to configure your new zap, by clicking on "Use Template".

2) On the Zapier Website:

1. The first step is to accept the invitation to use DataScope with Zapier, in the following link.

2. Once inside Zapier you can start creating your Zap. There you can select one of the available triggers. For example "New answer form", this is activated every time you receive a new form.

3. To connect your DataScope account with Zapier, you will have to find your API key within your DataScope account, located here.  Paste it in the section to choose the account.

4. The next step is to copy the URL that Zapier delivers to enter it in DataScope in the Webhooks section.

5. There you will have to specify the form name that you want to integrate with Zapier.

6. Once the Webhook is created, it is necessary to answer from the mobile application an example of the previously selected form to continue creating the Zap.

7. Finally you can select an action to execute once a new form is answered. Now you can connect DataScope with more than 1000 applications.


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