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How to delimit a response interval?

Steps to set a limit between the response alternatives on your DataScope forms

Aristotle avatar
Written by Aristotle
Updated over a week ago

To use limits (range) in the alternatives of an answer, you can use the Number type question, which will allow you to set values according to a specific need.

Among the possible validations, we have:

  • Greater than

  • Greater than or equal to

  • Less than

  • Less than or equal to

  • Between

  • Not between

Another alternative is to create a Custom List with the possible data and add it to your "Single Option Data" question.

➡️ Example: limit the answered age between 18 and 60 years.

1. Create a Custom List with all the options within this limit (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, etc. - up to 60), using the Excel Model of the platform (Name field).

2. Import the list file into the DataScope platform ( Settings> Lists ).

*Remember: the name of your list will be the name of the sheet in the imported excel file.

3. In the Forms, add a Single Option Data type of question and select the list as an alternative to your question, selecting it from the "Data List Source" as follows:

4. Click on Save and access the DataScope application to try and view your form.

When answering this question, the user will be able to select the answer only from within the range of 18 to 60.


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