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Zapier Integration - Actions

Details of the integration of DataScope with Zapier - Actions

Aristotle avatar
Written by Aristotle
Updated over 11 months ago

After you set up your Zap trigger, the next step is to add an action to your Zap. An action is a job your Zap performs when your trigger event occurs.


When an inspection and failure form is completed, assign a new task to the same location and user for the next week. The action is to assign a new task.

📌 Details of DataScope integration with Zapier - Actions

Here is a breakdown of some of the most used Zapier actions in DataScope:

➡️ Assign Task

This action allows you to assign a new task in DataScope


*Form Name: Form to assign a task

*User Email: Identify the user who needs to perform the task

*Location Name: Assign to a specific location or create a new one

Location Address: Update or create the address of the location. If blank will conserve the old address.

Task Instruction: Define an internal instruction for the mobile user

Task Date: Define the date when the task must be performed.

Assign ID: Define a custom ID for the task assign for the traceability. If it's blank will be auto-generated. (new)


When an Inspection form is performed and fails, assign a new Task for the same location and user for the next week.

➡️ Change Form Status

This action allows you to change the status of a form answer


Form Status: Select the status of the defined in the platform.

Form Name: Identify the name of the form

Form Code: Code of the specific form


When some value of the form is lower than 0, then change the status of the form as rejected.

➡️ Modify Form Answer (NEW)

This action allows you to change an existing answer or creating a new to any submission.


*Form name: Select the form to modify

*Form Code: Select the code to identify the submission

*Question Name: Select the name of an already existing question in the form or a new one.

*Question Value: Select the value of that question.


When a new submission is performed then generate a new value with a custom formula.

These and other pre-configured triggers are available at:


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