Each email registered in DataScope can work within only one account.
Therefore, if you want to add a user who already has a DataScope account into your account (so that they can view and fill out their forms), there are two possible options:
1. Add the user using a different email address
As each e-mail can be registered only once in DataScope, in this case the option would be to create a new account for this user, using another e-mail address.
Click the button below to learn more:
2. Disable the old account and then create the user again in your account
If you want to use the same email, the user needs to disable their DataScope account first. Only then can you create a new user using the same email address, but this time within your account.
To disable the account, the user must access the DataScope Web Platform: Settings> App Settings > Advanced Config. and click on the "Disable Account" button, as shown in the following image:
Then, you will be able to create the user within your account, according to the instructions shown above ("How to create a user into my account").
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