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How to delete a form

Steps to disable or delete a form created using the DataScope Forms

Aristotle avatar
Written by Aristotle
Updated over 11 months ago

Below are the steps to disable (temporarily suspend) or permanently delete a form created in the DataScope Forms:

📌 Disable a form:

You can disable a form when you just don't want it to be viewed temporarily in the DataScope application. However, you want to be able to recover it and view this form in the future.

To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Forms tab on the Web Platform and click "Configure" on the form you want to change. Select the "Unpublish" option, as shown below:

2. It will be marked with an red color. To re-publish it, just do the same procedure, this time selecting "Publish" as in the image below:

📌 Delete a form:

If you choose to delete a form, you will not be able to access it again, and therefore you will not be able to recover it in the future.

In this case, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Forms tab on the Web Platform and click "Configure" on the form you want to change. Select the "Delete" option, as shown below:

2. Wait for the platform confirmation. If you still see the form, simply refresh the page.

Important: This action cannot be undone.

📌 Bulk Actions

If you need to delete two or more forms, you can also do so by applying bulk actions:


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