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Written by Aristotle
Updated over a week ago

This new functionality allows users to identify, report, and resolve issues efficiently and in real-time, resulting in more effective management of critical situations before they escalate into major problems.

📌 Benefits of the Issue functionality:

  • Early identification of issues: Users can identify and report issues instantly, enabling managers and supervisors to quickly address issues before they escalate.

  • Assignment of responsibility: Issues can be assigned to specific team members, ensuring that the right people are responsible for their resolution.

  • Progress tracking: Users can track the progress of issues and receive real-time updates on their status.

  • Efficiency improvement: Allowing users to address issues in a timely manner.

📌 Use cases where I can use Issues:

  • Workplace Safety Inspections

  • Quality Audits in Food Production

  • Building Maintenance Inspections

  • Vehicle Safety Inspections

  • Compliance Inspections in the Healthcare Sector

  • Compliance Audits in the Financial Industry

📌 Issue Creation Process

In this version, issues can only be created from a checklist-type question either through the mobile application or from the web.

- Issue Roles:

  • Creator: The user who initiates the issue and can self-select as responsible if they wish to have permissions to edit it.

  • Responsible: The person in charge of closing the issue and the only one with permissions to edit it.

  • Participant: Any user necessary to achieve the objectives of the issue, added at the time of its creation.

If you have administration permissions or are the main administrator, you will have the ability to edit and view all existing issues in your account. However, to receive notifications about these issues, it is necessary to add yourself as responsible or participant. This way, you will be aware of changes and updates related to the issues in your account.

To create an issue, you select the "+ Create Issue" button. Next, the following required fields will appear:

  • Name: title or identifier of the issue, providing a quick reference to the problem or situation being addressed.

  • Description: provides additional details about the issue, including its context, potential causes, and any relevant information that helps understand and resolve it effectively.

  • Assignee(s): the individuals designated to close the issue and are the only ones authorized to edit its information. These individuals are responsible for ensuring that the issue is handled properly and resolved within the established timeframe.

  • Due date: deadline for completing the issue.

  • Priority: defines the importance and level of urgency of the issue. It is classified as low, medium, high, and critical:

and optional fields:

  • Location: allows specifying the place where the issue was identified or occurred, providing additional context for its resolution (List of Locations)

  • Participants: additional users necessary to address and resolve the issue. These users are added at the time of issue creation and can play specific roles in its resolution.

Subsequently, you can enter from the Issues option to view it there, you can:

  • Chat: allows users involved in the issue to communicate directly within the platform, discussing details, sharing relevant information, or coordinating actions for its resolution.

  • View details: access a detailed view of the issue, including its name, description, responsible parties, due date, priority, and any other relevant data.

  • Edit the issue: modify the fields of the issue.

  • Modify the status: change the status of the issue, which can be defined as open, in progress, paused, or completed, according to its progress and current situation. This function helps maintain a clear track of the issue's status and evolution.

From the web platform, it is also possible to create the issue following the same steps. Additionally, you can view the form from which the issue originated and export the PDF with the summary of the issue generated.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that you can create as many issues as there are items in your checklist-type question. This allows for exhaustive and detailed management of identified problems, ensuring that each aspect is addressed individually and efficiently.

📌 Export Findings

You can export findings individually in PDF format or export all findings to an Excel file.

  • Export a Finding to PDF

  1. Navigate to the finding you want to export.

  2. Click on the Export button as shown in the image:

  3. The system will generate a PDF file with the details of the selected finding.

  • Export All Findings to Excel

  1. Go to the Findings section.

  2. Click on the Export button as shown in the image:

  3. The system will generate an Excel file that will include the following data of all findings:

    • Finding ID

    • Finding Name

    • Creation Date

    • Closing Date

    • Status

    • Finding Type

    • Creation Form Name

    • Creation Form ID

    • Finding Description

    • Priority

    • Responsible Parties

    • Location

    • Participants

📌 Notifications

In this version, you will receive notifications 1 day and 1 hour before the issue's deadline, ensuring they are closed on time and resolved efficiently.

You will also receive emails when:

  • The user has created an issue.

  • The user is assigned as responsible.

  • The user is a participant in the issue.

📌 Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Is it possible to create an issue without an internet connection?

    • Yes, it is possible to create the issue; however, an internet connection is needed for it to be viewed from the web and by other users.

  2. Is it possible to create an issue by modifying a form?

    • No, it is only possible to create it from the moment when the form is being responded to.

  3. Do I need to finish the form to create the issue?

    • No, it is not necessary to finish it, although the difference is that the associated form from which the issue was initiated will not appear.

Datascope's Issue functionality offers a comprehensive solution for identifying, managing, and resolving problems in various work contexts, improving efficiency, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.

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